Kindergarten Information

Welcome to Kindergarten! This is truly a special year for your child. Below are some fast facts about Kindergarten at Tam Valley School. 

2024-2025 Kindergarten Teachers

We are so fortunate to have our dedicated and beloved kindergarten teachers. Each classroom also has an aide that works to support both the teachers and students.

  • Elena Garton // // 415-389-7731 x2025

  • Mari Mountsier // // 415-389-7731 x2030

Kindergarten Class Size

Kindergarten classes typically vary from 20 to 24 students per class.

Kindergarten Hours

Students attend from 8:15am to 2:35pm daily, except for Wednesdays when dismissal is at 1:45. 

Kindergarten Curriculum + Instruction

Classes provide a balance of teacher-directed and child-initiated activities. The learning process is active, cooperative, and filled with hands-on experiences. Reading, writing, and math concepts are central to classroom instruction. Classroom learning is supplemented by Kiddo!-!-supported art, music, dance, PE and PTA-supported Garden and Outdoor Naturalist Education Programs.

Communication with Kindergarten Teachers

There will be many opportunities for you to communicate with your child’s teacher. These include Back to School Night, teacher and student-led conferences, and regular ParentSquare communications. Of course, you can also communicate with your child’s teacher 1:1 as needed.

Kindergarten Volunteering

There will be opportunities for you to volunteer in your child’s classroom. This is a great way to see your child in the school environment, get to know your child’s teacher and foster a home/school connection. Your teacher will share specific opportunities and sign-up instructions during the first weeks of school. There will also be many opportunities throughout the year to attend an art class, a music class, or volunteer in the garden. Look out for email newsletters from your teacher or room parent throughout the year. 

Additionally, during August, prior to the start of school, PTA will send out an e-packet that includes the opportunity to volunteer as Room Parent for your child’s classroom.  As Room Parent, two parents partner together throughout the year to create a community for your classroom, support your teacher as needed, and organize some very important (AND FUN!) Tam Valley traditions for your class.  

Kindergarten Supplies

The Mill Valley School District will provide school supplies and/or classroom supplies that are needed on the first day of school. Most children bring a backpack to school each day. A regular child-sized backpack that can hold a lunchbox and a library book is best.