
There is no shortage of communication between Tam Valley School and the parent community. Both the school and district use ParentSquare as the primary communication platform.  You will be automatically added to ParentSquare once your child is enrolled at Tam Valley.  

As a member of the Tam Valley community, you will start receiving Parentsquare communications from the district as well as our school. Information on school events including RSVP, volunteering opportunities, etc. will be published on ParentSquare. Here are the main ways, both digital and in person, that you can expect to hear from us throughout the year:

  • Back To School Night. Typically held in early September.

  • Parent Teacher Conferences. Typically held the week before Thanksgiving recess in November.

  • Classroom Newsletters. From classroom teachers to keep you up-to-date on what your child is learning and what’s next! Each teacher approaches communication differently!

  • Weekly Family Newsletter. From Mill Valley School District with district news.

  • Weekly Principal Newsletter. From our Principal with school-specific news.

  • Weekly “Tiger Times” PTA Newsletter. From PTA, sent every Sunday, to keep you abreast of school, PTA and community-related information that includes programming, save-the-dates, calls for volunteers and more.

Within the ParentSquare settings tab, you can set the level and frequency of alerts, notifications, and emails you would like to receive. In addition to mass communications sent through ParentSquare, this platform also has the school directory with your contact information and that of your child’s classmates.

To begin using ParentSquare visit the website HERE or download the ParentSquare app.