School Events 

Tam Valley School proudly hosts several school-wide events every year. These events are a great opportunity for your kids to see friends and make new ones, for parents to be a part of the school community, and in some cases to raise funds for our school. Below is a list of school events that take place each year. Mark your calendars, watch out for updates from our weekly school newsletters, and see you there!

Welcome Back Picnic

2024-2025’s Welcome Back Picnic will be held on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at the school.  More details to come!

Back to School Night

This is a parent-only weekday evening event at the beginning of the year. This is a chance to hear from the Principal in the MPR, meet your child’s teacher, and check out their classrooms.

Spirit Days

Our school has regular spirit days that are determined by the Student Council. One way to show spirit is for students to wear orange and black or their Tam Valley spirit shirt for the day.

Check out the Tam Valley store to get ready with your own spirit wear!  Find your child’s perfect look for Tam Valley spirit days sprinkled throughout the year.  All proceeds support the PTA. 

Movie Night

A free community event on the grounds of our school sponsored by the PTA. Join other Tam Valley families under the fall skies with blankets, sleeping bags, popcorn, hot chocolate and a family-friendly movie. Movie Night is typically the weekend before Walk-a-thon and is the kick off to a week of Tam Spirit days leading up to Walk-a-thon.

Walk-a-thon (WAT)

Tam Valley School’s major fundraiser has been a tradition at our school for many years. This event is a tremendous community-building event and takes place on a weekend afternoon during the first part of the school year. Students have fun walking laps around the school while parents cheer them on; eat great food; shop at the Auction, Bake Sale, Buck-a-Book; and more.

Walk-a-thon fundraising supports our students, teachers and community! All funds raised at WAT are used to purchase requested grade-level curriculum; outdoor naturalist education; garden education; assemblies; field trips; school-wide community-building and educational events; school ground and playground improvements; and many more programs identified by the administration.

Halloween Parade

The Tam Valley Halloween celebration is a fun-filled day for our kids. The Halloween Parade shows off the costume creativity of all of our students. Our Kindergartners come to school in costume and parade through the school during the first hour of the day. The older grades come to school in their regular clothing and change into costumes for the parade on the blacktop during the last hour of the day. 

Book Fair

This event is the main fundraiser for our school library and funds 5th Grade Legacy Books. It is held in the school multi-purpose room for a week each year in December. The fair is open before school, during the school day and after school. Parents can also help build libraries in their children’s classrooms by purchasing a book from the teachers’ wish lists that are featured at the fair. Many children and parents enjoy taking this opportunity to check off holiday wish lists! PTA also funds Book Fair scholarships, so that every Tam Valley student can participate regardless of their financial situation.

Science + Engineering Week

Science and Engineering Week is a non-competitive, fun opportunity for Tam Valley Elementary students to exhibit their love of science and/or engineering.  There are daily science and engineering elective activities in-school during science week.  There is also Science Fair Night(s) where Tam Tigers from ANY grade are welcome to sign up to prepare and share a science project.


Cabaret is an inclusive and collaborative variety show featuring kids of any grade where no prior experience performing on stage is necessary.  All students who “try-out” will be guaranteed a spot in the Cabaret. Acts range from skits, instruments, poetry, dance, comedy, singing, break dancing, rap, band performances, gymnastics, storytelling, and much more!  

Math Night

Children will have math challenges tailored to their age and mathematical abilities. Tam Valley PTA presents a night to get students enthusiastic about math with fun, interactive games that help to develop and practice various math skills! 

Open House

This is a child-led event on a weeknight evening at the end of the school year. Your child will show off their work from the year in a relaxed fun night for the whole family.