Getting Involved

There are many ways for you to get to know your new Tam Valley School community. Here are a few suggestions from current parents!


Our PTA and elementary school wouldn’t be as functional or as fabulous without all of our parent volunteers!  Please consider volunteering regularly during the school year when asked to get a glimpse of your child’s day, to ensure safety during drop off/pick up car line time, and to ensure success for our many enriching programs.

There are many ways to make a difference at Tam Valley School. You can volunteer in the classroom, library, art room, garden, or with lunch distribution.

Generally, volunteer opportunities are communicated through ParentSquare. We always need help with school-wide events like the Walk-a-thon and Book Fair. Be a Room Parent or assist occasionally with traffic coordination at drop off and pick up.

Building Community

There are many ways for you to get to know your new Tam Valley School community. Here are a few suggestions from current parents!

  • Drop-off during the first several weeks of school is a great time to meet other parents and kids from your child’s class. If possible, make arrangements to stick around from 8am until the first bell rings at 8:15am and strike up a conversation!

  • Organize an informal parent night out or an all-family gathering with members of your class. The PTA sends out an information release form via ParentSquare prior to the first day of school. This information can help you coordinate playground dates, beach meetups, parents’ nights out, class camping trips, or whatever other idea you have! 

  • As part of the Walk-a-thon Auction, there are several parties hosted by various members of the parent community. Consider purchasing a ticket to a party during the online auction! Parties vary and can be for adults-only, kids-only or families; they are held throughout the year and are a great way to connect and have fun with the community. If you love to host, please consider hosting your own party (more details on that can be found here).

  • Attend a Tam Valley PTA meeting! It’s a great way to get to know our school and meet other parents. We welcome new faces and new ideas!