Mill Valley School District Funding

The Mill Valley School District (MVSD) is community-funded (basic aid). State and federal government funding make up less than 10% of all funding. Local property taxes, parcel taxes, and other local sources make up 90% of funding. Of which, approximately 5% of the district's funding comes from the Mill Valley Schools Community Foundation (Kiddo!) and the school PTAs (Tam Valley School PTA)—generous giving by parents and community members.

We are fortunate to have several organizations that support our school and our district: Kiddo!, It Takes a Village (ITAV) and the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).  Below is more information about each group, what they provide our students and our schools, and how you can get involved or get more information.


Kiddo! is the Mill Valley Schools Community Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports our entire school district. Kiddo! is made up of parents, teachers, businesses and active members of the community who, since 1982, have raised tens of millions of dollars to supplement our limited school budgets. Kiddo! funds vital programs and teachers at our five elementary schools and middle school—including art, music, drama, poetry, dance and teacher grants. For more information about what Kiddo! funds at Tam Valley School, click HERE.

Each spring, Kiddo! launches an annual campaign to raise funds for the upcoming school year to protect the quality educational programs Mill Valley students receive. The per-student need is $1,450 to fund all existing Kiddo! programs in our schools. Any amount that your family can contribute is appreciated as we strive for 100% school participation. As a reminder you can contribute in whatever way works for your family (i.e. once a year, in monthly payments, etc.). Learn more about how to donate to Kiddo!.

It Takes a Village (ITAV)

It Takes a Village (ITAV) was originally founded to support special education students, but broadened its mission several years ago to support students who learn differently and to advocate for the social-emotional well-being of all students and their families. ITAV focuses on finding ways to make kids who learn differently more comfortable at school and in the community. 

ITAV is led by parent reps from every MVSD school and brings a variety of offerings to Tam Valley. They organize monthly parent coffees to create community and offer an informal place to discuss the challenges of parenting. They also spearhead the curriculum “A Touch of Understanding,” which is an acclaimed disabilities awareness workshop and sponsor professional development for teachers and staff, including No Bully® anti-bullying campaign, Making Math Real, and Social Thinking Provider’s Conference. Additionally, ITAV brings adaptive sports and OT “toolkits” that promote self-regulation directly to the students at Tam Valley.  

Your support is critical to the strength and growth of It Takes a Village. Please consider joining ITAV HERE, or by using this LINK.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Tam Valley Parent Teacher Association (PTA) specifically supports Tam Valley School with volunteer hours and financial contributions. The PTA enriches the experiences of all students, supports the teachers and promotes parent education. We welcome new faces and new ideas!

Our PTA sponsors and/or funds many important school programs, people, and necessities! You can see the full impact that PTA has at Tam Valley School HERE. But to name a few things your donations to PTA pay for: our Garden Coordinator and garden supplies, assemblies, emergency preparedness supplies, and PE equipment. A few community events organized and staffed by PTA volunteers include: Movie Night, Walk-a-thon, Science & Engineering Week and Cabaret.

The PTA raises financial support from parents during the year in three main ways:

  • Annual Donation Campaign: At the start of each school year, parents are asked to donate to the PTA - this is called our First Day Ask. All money raised is spent directly at Tam Valley School to promote student enrichment and engagement. 

    • Click HERE to access our annual donation one-stop-shop to choose the donation level that feels right for your family. 

  • Walk-A-Thon: This school fundraiser and auction takes place in October, and is our largest fundraiser of the year. Funds raised from this event via our online auction, community sponsorships, and sign up parties are used for the many wonderful PTA programs of the school year.  

  • Book Fair: This school fundraiser benefits the school library and takes place in November.

PTA is an excellent way to impact your child's education and experience at Tam Valley. Attending monthly Tam Valley PTA meetings is a great way to get to know our school and meet other parents. Check the school calendar for times and locations. To vote at our association meetings AND to make an impact through PTA at the county, state and national level, become a PTA member by clicking HERE (don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you’re going to be hassled any more or less to help out than you would have been anyway!). If you would like to get involved with our PTA, there are so many ways you can volunteer!  For more information, contact the current president, whose contact information can be found HERE.