Drop-off + Pick-up 

General Drop-off / Pick-up

Traffic congestion at drop-off and pick-up is a fact of life at Tam Valley School but we can all get through it together! We have put some systems in place to make this daily process as smooth as possible. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our children and to help keep traffic moving. The following are some general guidelines to follow. Please take a moment to read and become familiar with them.

  • Give yourself a little extra time in the morning, this goes a long way toward setting your child (AND YOU!) up for a calm transition from home to school. 

  • For our Kindergarten students, it is often easiest to park off-site and walk or wheel to school rather than using car-line, especially the first half of the school year.

If you plan to Walk or Bike to School

  • We support the Walk & Roll and Safe Routes organizations.

  • There is a secure bike cage for storing bikes during school hours near the library.

If you plan to Drive to School, please adhere to the following car-line protocols

  • The designated area to drop your child off is between the Library and the Tiger Stripes near the school entrance.  

  • When you arrive on campus there are two lines (see schematic below):

    •  “Inside” closest to parking spaces. This line should always be moving.

    •  “Outside” closest to sidewalks and buildings. This is the only place where kids get in and out of cars.

  • When you arrive at the school in your car for drop-off, move as far forward as possible and pull into an open space in the outside line. 

  • Adults must stay in cars at all times. Adults should park off campus if their children are not independently getting in/out of the car, this is particularly important to keep in mind for our Kindergarteners.

    • When parking inside school grounds, do not park in staff spots, red zones or fire lanes.

  • Students should enter/exit on the right side of the car. Position Tam Valley students on the right side of back seats to avoid children entering/exiting into traffic.

  • Have your children “kiss and go” to avoid prolonged goodbyes.

  • We will have volunteers to help direct traffic flow. Be kind, patient, and flexible!